HomeNewsLa nuova squadra di Damar Hamlin trasforma la tragedia in un trionfo

La nuova squadra di Damar Hamlin trasforma la tragedia in un trionfo

Damar Hamlin in posaTimothy T. Ludwig/Getty Images

Le cose continuano a migliorare per Damar Hamlin. Il 2 gennaio, il 24enne è andato in arresto cardiaco durante una partita della NFL tra Cincinnati Bengals e Buffalo Bills, secondo CBS Sports. Sebbene Hamlin, una sicurezza per i Buffalo Bills, abbia mostrato notevoli miglioramenti – ed è uscito dall’ospedale dall’11 gennaio – i primi giorni dopo la guarigione erano tutt’altro che certi. Secondo il LA Times, il personale medico in loco ha eseguito la RCP sul giocatore della NFL per nove minuti prima di intubarlo e fornirgli ossigeno, sforzi che altri funzionari medici hanno lodato come salvavita, secondo il New York Times.

On January 4, Hamlin was put on a ventilator, per a tweet by WROC-TV Sports Analyst Thad Brown, who’d spoken with Hamlin’s uncle. For Hamlin’s peers and fans awaiting health updates, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Fortunately, good news would eventually come by way of Hamlin’s medical team. By January 7, Hamlin’s doctors had not only removed him from the ventilator, but he was well enough to speak with his teammates, according to Inquirer. From there, Hamlin rapidly improved as he neared his release and has since made his first public appearance at the Bengals and Bills rematch on January 22. He’s even found the time to troll those spreading conspiracy theories about his recovery.

Now, Hamlin has turned his attention to a greater cause: Using his triumphant recovery to educate and inspire his supporters.

Damar Hamlin teams up with the American Heart Association

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