HomeNewsBBC News invia un messaggio sottile che ha Twitter in un Tizzy Over The Queen

BBC News invia un messaggio sottile che ha Twitter in un Tizzy Over The Queen

Cappello viola con piccolo sorriso della regina ElisabettaChris Jackson/Getty Images

Gli osservatori reali su Twitter erano ansiosi dopo un messaggio da Buckingham Palace l’8 settembre sulla regina Elisabetta II. La famiglia reale twittato, “Dichiarazione di Buckingham Palace: ‘A seguito di un’ulteriore valutazione questa mattina, i medici della regina sono preoccupati per la salute di Sua Maestà e le hanno raccomandato di rimanere sotto controllo medico. La regina rimane a suo agio ea Balmoral'”. Le azioni della famiglia reale in mezzo alla salute della regina Elisabetta le preoccupazioni parlano chiaro, poiché The Telegraph ha riferito che tutti e quattro i figli del monarca erano con lei a Balmoral in Scozia. Inoltre, metropolitana twittato“Il principe Harry e Meghan Markle avrebbero dovuto partecipare alla cerimonia dei WellChild Awards a Londra giovedì sera. Ma ora hanno cambiato i loro piani per viaggiare per vedere Sua Maestà”.

The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss tweeted, “The whole country will be deeply concerned by the news from Buckingham Palace this lunchtime. My thoughts – and the thoughts of people across our United Kingdom – are with Her Majesty The Queen and her family at this time.” The signs don’t look good about the queen’s health. But BBC News sent a subtle message that has Twitter in a tizzy over the queen.

Twitter fears that Operation London Bridge is near

La regina Elisabetta II in abito rosa con il principe FilippoJeff Spicer/Getty Images

A Twitter user sounded an alarm about the queen after he picked up on some subtle actions from the BBC. “Alot of stuff going on at the moment which is hinting towards the announcement that the Queen has recently passed,” he tweeted. “BBC News all wearing Black, all programmes stopped today and an important announcement at 6pm. God save our Queen.” In addition to that message, a former journalist tweeted, “A sign outside of Buckingham Palace reads ‘No Guard Changing Ceremony Today’ … BBC is in rolling coverage, and anchor is wearing a black tie.”

Many royal watchers fear that the secret plan for Queen Elizabeth’s death is slowly being implemented. The operation when the monarch dies is called Operation London Bridge. The protocol for what happens after the queen dies was leaked to the press in 2021, with details published in Politico. The 10-day plan of action includes anticipation for massive crowds in London following the queen’s death as well as various memorial services.

The monarch is beloved and respected worldwide. An American Twitter user tweeted, “I hope she truly knows how many people around the world have her in their prayers and are in forever debt to her for her contributions to citizens of the world. Love & prayers from America.”

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