HomeNewsCosa ha combinato Rachel Hollis dai suoi più grandi scandali?

Cosa ha combinato Rachel Hollis dai suoi più grandi scandali?

Rachel Hollis sorrideNicholas Hunt/Getty Images

La controversa influencer Rachel Hollis è diventata un nome familiare dopo aver ricevuto molta stampa positiva per aver pubblicato una foto inedita di se stessa in bikini – smagliature e tutto il resto, per Oggi. Ha accumulato un notevole seguito e successivamente ha pubblicato un libro di successo, “Girl, Wash Your Face”. Tuttavia, non è tutto oro ciò che luccica e, dopo un divorzio disordinato, Hollis è stata improvvisamente chiamata per aver fatto numerosi commenti insensibili. In un caso, è stata criticata per aver parlato in modo scortese della sua governante, il cui lavoro ha riassunto come “pulire i suoi bagni”.

Rather than apologize, Hollis doubled down. “No, sis, literally everything I do in my life is to live a life that most people can’t relate to,” Hollis said after a commenter called her “unrelatable” under the since-deleted TikTok video. “Literally every woman I admire in history was unrelatable.” The video’s caption noted Harriet Tubman as one of the “unrelatable” women to whom she relates. That was not well-received by her followers. Hollis began receiving additional criticism for her message’s simplicity — something to the effect of “hard work pays off,” which neatly ignored issues like systemic misogyny and racism.

Hollis issued multiple apologies, but ended up postponing a tour and laying low for a while. Then, months later, Hollis made the news once again in October 2022.

It’s been a mixed bag

Parla Rachel HollisDave Pedley/Getty Images

With the possible exception of R. Kelly, canceling isn’t forever, and Rachel Hollis is proof. After weathering multiple storms in 2020 and 2021, Hollis’s name was back in the news in October 2022 for the massive deal she signed with SiriusXM. If you thought people wouldn’t be interested in anything Hollis has to say after she compared herself to Harriet Tubman, then SiriusXM knows something you don’t.

Hollis signed a contract with the streaming giant, giving them exclusive distribution and advertising rights for her show, “The Rachel Hollis Podcast.” Daniel Osit, COO of Stitcher, told Deadline, “Rachel has spent years growing her influence from a humble blog to a lifestyle juggernaut that spreads across social media, books, audio, television, and more. With this deal, we’re pleased to help her reach new listeners and further grow her audience reach.” Hollis told the outlet she hoped the partnership would allow the show great new guests for her audience.

This was all good news for Hollis, as it meant that she was likely to see an increase in revenue from her podcast. However, just when things seemed like they were returning to normal, Hollis got the devastating news that her ex-husband, Dave Hollis, had died unexpectedly at 47 in February 2023. “We are devastated,” Hollis wrote on Instagram. “I have no words and my heart is too broken to find them. Please wrap the kids up in prayers as we try and navigate through the unthinkable.”

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