HomeNewsJay Leno fa un grande ritorno poche settimane dopo il suo incidente da ustione

Jay Leno fa un grande ritorno poche settimane dopo il suo incidente da ustione

Sorriso di Jay Leno lev radin/Shutterstock

Jay Leno ha fatto notizia nel novembre 2022 a seguito di un incidente spaventoso accaduto nel suo garage. Come i fan sanno, Leno è un appassionato di auto e ha un’ampia varietà di auto più vecchie che sembrano beni preziosi. Dal 2015, l’ex conduttore di spettacoli a tarda notte ha ospitato “Jay Leno’s Garage”, dove mette in mostra il suo amore per tutti i tipi di veicoli a motore.

In mid-November 2022, TMZ reported that Leno suffered severe burns after one of the cars he was working on became engulfed in flames. Due to nature of the incident, the star was forced to cancel his upcoming appearances, including one at The Financial Brand conference, where organizers announced that he pulled out due to a “very serious medical emergency” (via TMZ). Later, Leno broke his silence on the accident to set the record straight. “I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire. I am ok. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet,” he told TMZ. Not long after, Page Six reported that the fire caused severe third-degree burns, and Leno underwent surgery for a skin grafting procedure to replace the skin that was damaged from the flames.

NBC News shared that the famous comedian suffered burns on 7% of his body, mostly on his face, chest, and hands. Luckily, his doctor said the prognosis seemed promising and stated that he was “optimistic that [Leno] will make a full recovery.” Now, Leno is back to comedy just a few short weeks later.

Jay Leno cracks jokes as he returns to the stage following fire

Jay Leno posa Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Jay Leno is recovering from his scary burn incident in the best way he knows — with comedy. They say laughter is the best medicine, and that certainly seems to be the case. The star made his way back to the stage just two weeks after suffering severe burns. In a video shared by “Today,” Leno could be seen walking into The Comedy and Magic Club in Hermosa Beach, California. In the clip, reporters surrounded the former late-night host, and he cracked a few jokes at his own expense on his way in. “I never thought of myself as a roast comic,” he joked. “We have two shows tonight — regular and extra crispy.”

But in all seriousness, the star told reporters that he was feeling “good” and thanked everyone for checking in on him. “He’s got a very positive attitude. He’s humbled by the amount of outpouring of affection,” Dr. Peter Grossman, who treated the star said of Leno’s recovery (via NBC News).

On November 15, Leno’s Instagram page for “Jay Leno’s Garage” wished him the best in his recovery, and some of his famous fans chimed in to share uplifting messages. “We all do! Love ya Jay,” Brad Garrett wrote on the post. “Whole family and crew here in Dallas are praying for you Jay,” Glenn Beck’s page commented. It’s definitely nice to see Leno back in action!

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