HomeNewsKelly Rizzo fa un grande passo avanti nella sua vita con Bob Saget

Kelly Rizzo fa un grande passo avanti nella sua vita con Bob Saget

Bob Saget sul tappeto rossos_bukley/Shutterstock

La vedova di Bob Saget, Kelly Rizzo, sta facendo un grande passo avanti nella sua vita dopo la morte dell’amato comico a gennaio. Il mondo è stato rattristato dalla morte improvvisa di Saget dopo che è stato trovato morto nella sua stanza d’albergo a Orlando, in Florida, a seguito di uno spettacolo nel Sunshine State. “Siamo devastati nel confermare che il nostro amato Bob è morto oggi. Era tutto per noi e vogliamo che tu sappia quanto amava i suoi fan, esibirsi dal vivo e riunire persone di ogni ceto sociale dalle risate”, ha confermato la sua famiglia in una dichiarazione, per Fox News. “Anche se chiediamo privacy in questo momento, ti invitiamo a unirti a noi nel ricordare l’amore e le risate che Bob ha portato al mondo”.

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Rizzo has continued to share touching tributes to her late husband, including posting a sweet photo of them together on Instagram a few days after his death. “I have no regrets. We loved each other so damn much and told each other 500 times every day. Constantly,” she sweetly wrote in the caption. “I know how much he loved me until the very last moment and he knew the same. I’m so grateful for that. Not everyone gets that.”

But, sadly, there comes a time following a devastating loss when things have to change.

Kelly Rizzo is moving out

Bob Saget e Kelly Rizzo sul red carpetKathy Hutchins/Shutterstock

Kelly Rizzo is moving on and moving out. Bob Saget’s wife has put the Los Angeles home the family lived in together on the market for $7.76 million, according to TMZ, which means she could be making an impressive almost $5 million after her husband originally bought it for around $2.8 million. It’s thought the beloved comedian lived in the house for around 20 years, according to The Wall Street Journal. We’re guessing it won’t be hard for Rizzo to unload the family home though, as it boasts six bedrooms and even a guest house. New York Post gave fans a peek inside the seriously stunning home, which Saget lived in until his death.

Rizzo confirmed she’d moved out of the home around three weeks after her husband’s sudden passing death, confirming the news via an Instagram Stories Q&A in April. But she’s not erasing her late husband from her life. Rizzo also told fans of how she kept a lot of his things around in her new home, writing, “It helps me to curate a lot of ‘Bob things’ that are around me that remind me of him” (via Yahoo!). Another fan then urged Rizzo to share some details about her new pad, and she responded by giving a glimpse at what appeared to be the kitchen which had a framed photo of the two together as well as a solo snap of the actor laying on the counter.

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