HomeNewsKelly Rizzo riflette su come il suo dolore si è evoluto un anno dopo la morte di Bob Saget

Kelly Rizzo riflette su come il suo dolore si è evoluto un anno dopo la morte di Bob Saget

Kelly Rizzo in posaImmagini di Michael Kovac/Getty

La storia d’amore tra il creatore di “Eat Travel Rock” Kelly Rizzo e l’attore Bob Saget è iniziata da qualche parte che non esisteva durante i giorni di “Full House” del comico: i social media. Mentre parlava con suo marito nel suo podcast, “Bob Saget’s Here for You”, nel 2021, Rizzo ha ricordato di aver appreso tramite un amico che Saget voleva scriverle un DM. Ha ammesso di non essere interessata all’attore all’inizio, confessandogli che la loro differenza di età di 23 anni era un problema. “Sembrava un po’ inverosimile in quel momento”, ha detto. Ma Rizzo ha deciso di lasciare che Saget sparasse. Hanno stretto un’amicizia prima che Rizzo si rendesse conto che non poteva negare i suoi sentimenti per il comico, e si è evoluto in qualcosa di più.

Saget announced their engagement in a 2017 Instagram post, and the couple tied the knot the following year, celebrating their union with a beachside wedding in Santa Monica, per People. Sadly, their happiness only lasted a few years, as Saget was found dead in his Orlando hotel room on January 9, per USA Today. After taking some time to grieve, Rizzo shared a moving tribute to her late husband on Instagram. “After much reflection this week, I’m trying, really trying, to not think I was robbed of time. But instead to think: How lucky was I that I got to be the one to be married to THE MOST INCREDIBLE MAN ON EARTH,” she wrote. A year later, she’s still feeling grateful for the time she had with Saget.

Kelly Rizzo and Bob Saget’s daughters share a loving relationship

In an emotional appearance on “Today,” Kelly Rizzo opened up about how she’s feeling as the one-year anniversary of Bob Saget’s death approaches. “When I think about the fact that I haven’t talked to, or seen my husband in a year, that’s very surreal and very, very strange,” she said. Rizzo revealed that she’s come to realize that the grieving process never really ends, but looking at loss with a different perspective and being reflective can make it a bit more bearable. “The grief now has really morphed into this tremendous gratitude for the time that we had together,” she said, echoing her sentiments in her first Instagram post about Saget’s death.

Now, Rizzo is looking to the example Saget set to help her embrace the good in her life, even though she still acutely feels his absence. “He had so much loss into his life and he turned everything into a positive, reflective experience,” she said.

Rizzo and Saget’s three daughters from his previous marriage — Aubrey, Jennifer, and Laura — have also been leaning on each other. “The three of them are just everything to me because they were everything to him,” she said. In a post on her Instagram Story, she previously revealed that she and her stepdaughters talk daily, per ET. “We’re just so, so grateful to be as close as we are because that’s not always the case with step-families,” she said.

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