HomeNewsLa tragica morte della madre di Cher, Georgia Holt

La tragica morte della madre di Cher, Georgia Holt

Georgia Holt sorrideAlberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

È morta Georgia Holt, la madre della cantante Cher. Aveva 96 anni.

Sebbene l’iconica cantante non abbia rivelato la causa della morte di sua madre, Holt era stata recentemente ricoverata in ospedale per problemi di salute. “Scusa se sono stata Mia. La mamma si è ammalata di tanto in tanto. È appena uscita dall’ospedale. Ha avuto la polmonite. Sta migliorando,” lei ha scritto nel mese di settembre. Holt sembrava riprendersi velocemente, con Cher che teneva aggiornati i sostenitori sullo stato di sua madre. “Ok, ho appena finito di parlare al telefono con la mamma, e sembrava un’adolescente… Vai a capire,” lei ha scritto. “Indovina il tuo [prayers] FUNZIONATO.” Purtroppo, dopo il suo attacco di polmonite, l’iconica cantante è andata su Twitter per confermare la devastante notizia, raccontando ai fan “la mamma se n’è andata” accanto a un’emoji con la faccia triste.

It didn’t take long for fans to offer their condolences and messages of support. “Oh Cher, I am so sorry for your loss. You two were so much fun. Time doesn’t heal this wound, it helps reshape it into comforting memories that make the grief tolerable. Keep honoring the memories,” said one fan, while another tweeted, “Sending you nothing but love, light, and healing. She was a firecracker, and she will be so deeply missed.” Holt is survived by her two children, Cher and Georganne LaPiere, and her partner of nearly 50 years, Craig Spence.

Inside Cher’s relationship with her mother

Cher e Georgia Holt sorridonos_bukley/Shutterstock

Cher has always maintained a close relationship with her mother, Georgia Holt. In 2017, she chose to drop out of a Lifetime movie project to help care for her mother. “Cher’s worried about her mother’s health. She’s in her 90’s now and does not want to be far from her,” a source told ET at the time. “Her mother is not deathly ill, but is somewhat fragile.”

As followers of the iconic singer are probably well aware, Cher has made it a habit to post photographs of her mother and praise her beauty. In 2013, the superstar told People they have a close bond in adulthood, despite previous clashes. “Yes [we are close], but we fought a lot when I was young. I was really strong-headed, even then,” she revealed. The singer also said instead of Holt doling out life advice to her and her sister, “we learned about life by listening to her talk about the things she did wrong and the things she did right.”

Holt had a say in her love life, too. “She listened first before making a judgment, so I could always talk to her about my romances,” Cher added. “She stressed the importance of being sure that the person you are with is the person you love.”

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