HomeNewsQuello che sappiamo sull'apparizione inaspettata di Justin Timberlake nel nuovo spettacolo di Jessica Biel

Quello che sappiamo sull’apparizione inaspettata di Justin Timberlake nel nuovo spettacolo di Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake sorride con un abito marroneDLibero/scatola

L’ultimo ruolo di attrice di Jessica Biel includeva la collaborazione con suo marito, Justin Timberlake. Nella serie di Hulu “Candy”, Biel interpreta Candy Montgomery, una persona nella vita reale che ha ucciso la collega casalinga Betty Gore nel 1980, per Texas Monthly. Dopo aver subito un’estesa trasformazione di capelli e trucco, Biel è quasi irriconoscibile mentre interpreta Montgomery. Ha parlato di questa esperienza con Extra TV ad aprile, dicendo: “Trovo solo la capacità di trasformarmi in quel modo… per essere una parte così solidale del processo. È così divertente quando non ti riconosci e Davvero non tutte le mattine [on set].”

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Biel was supported by Timberlake as the two stepped out together for the “Candy” premiere this week, Entertainment Tonight reported. “It’s always fun to celebrate something that you’re proud of, and to do it with [Timberlake] and have a glass of wine — it feels special, it does,” Biel said at the event. Timberlake not only stood by Biel’s side as the show debuted, but before this occasion, he made his way on set and took on a role in “Candy.”

Justin Timberlake plays a deputy in two Candy episodes

Justin Timberlake e Jessica Biel nei panni dei personaggi di "Candy".Instagram

In the new Hulu thriller show, “Candy,” Jessica Biel stars in the titular role, while Justin Timberlake has surprised viewers by appearing in a supporting part. As E! News reported, Timberlake portrays Deputy Steven Deffibaugh in the series. Timberlake’s character and another officer portrayed by actor Jason Ritter together serve as the investigators of the murder of Betty Gore.

Biel told Entertainment Tonight that Timberlake was reading her scripts from the show when he inquired about who would be playing Deffibaugh. In response, Biel, who executive produced “Candy,” told Timberlake, “Oh, I don’t know, probably somebody local. We don’t have any money left.'” After hearing this, the singer told his wife that he wanted to carry out the part. As Biel revealed to Entertainment Weekly, Timberlake wasn’t concerned about receiving funds for his acting services. “We told [Timberlake], ‘We can’t pay you,’ and he goes, ‘I don’t care about getting paid. I just want you to pay for my wig and I want my prosthetic belly,'” Biel said. “We were like, ‘That we can do.'”

Fans looking for Timberlake’s cameo can expect to see his character in the “Candy” episodes airing on May 12 and May 13, per Us Weekly. But in the meantime, the photo above that Timberlake shared on Instagram gives a sneak peek of the couple’s retro looks.

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