HomeNewsSecondo quanto riferito, James Corden viene bandito da uno dei migliori ristoranti di New York

Secondo quanto riferito, James Corden viene bandito da uno dei migliori ristoranti di New York

James Corden sorridenteTinseltown/Shutterstock

James Corden è noto per aver fatto ridere la gente in televisione a tarda notte. Tuttavia, anche il lato oscuro di Corden ha visto la luce del giorno più di una volta, poiché c’è più di una manciata di celebrità che non lo sopportano. Secondo quanto riferito, è stato avvertito di stare lontano dalla serie britannica, “Hollyoaks”, per The Guardian, per alcune delle cose che ha detto e ha offeso un’intera città inglese di Sidcup definendola “l’ascella d’Inghilterra”, come dettagliato da Esprimere. Se ciò non bastasse, la vetta delle classifiche britanniche Lily Allen ha confessato nel 2017 di essersi sentita molto a disagio mentre Corden ci provava con lei durante un’intervista nel 2008. Lei twittato“No, non ero nemmeno eccitato per James Cordon. È venuto da me di fronte a un pubblico in studio; se l’avessi chiuso, sarei stato etichettato come freddo, me stesso o snob”.

That said, Corden is making headlines for his behavior again, but this time it has nothing to do with soap opera spats, offending British towns, or inappropriate behavior with pop stars. Instead, Corden is getting a lot of heat for how he’s been conducting himself at restaurants.

James Corden is banned from eating at this New York City restaurant

James Corden in posaDave J Hogan/Getty

According to the Daily Mail, New York City restaurant owner Keith McNally has just 86ed James Corden from ever entering his restaurant, Balthazar. McNally called Corden a bully and a “tiny cretin of a man” because of the disrespect he’s shown his restaurant staff. Reportedly, Corden didn’t find it funny when his wife ordered an egg yolk omelet and found some egg white. He also (reportedly) asked for free drinks after finding a piece of hair in his meal. Not only that, but Corden even threatened to write a nasty Yelp review if his demands weren’t met, per the Los Angeles Times.

Of course, Twitter had a lot to say about the matter online. Some tweeted rather cheekily, “Just spitballing here, but what if we convinced Elon that Mars needs its own chat show? (And that [Corden] should be the first guest on it?).” Another Twitter user wrote, “I hope James Corden is plagued by minor inconveniences for the rest of his days. Nothing egregious, but just enough to permanently ruin his day — like socks that won’t stay up and a nose that perpetually runs.” Another critic tweeted, “A reminder that the U.K. is not taking James Corden back once he’s done with that terrible talk show on your side of the pond.” Clearly, it’s going to take more than just a few jokes, a perfectly prepared omelet, and a laugh track to fix Corden’s reputation.

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