HomeNewsSunny Hostin e Joy Behar Jab ai reclami su Vogue di Melania Trump

Sunny Hostin e Joy Behar Jab ai reclami su Vogue di Melania Trump

Melania Trump sorride con i capelli scioltiTasos Katopodis/Getty Images

Melania Trump non è mai apparsa sulla copertina della rivista Vogue durante il suo incarico come first lady dell’ex presidente Donald Trump – e ha alcune idee sul perché. “Sono di parte”, ha detto a “Fox & Friends Weekend” il co-conduttore Pete Hegseth il 15 maggio. “Hanno simpatie e antipatie, ed è così ovvio”. I commenti di Melania sono arrivati ​​dopo che l’attuale First Lady Jill Biden è apparsa sulla copertina di Vogue dell’agosto 2021, a pochi mesi dal suo incarico. Prima di Biden, Michelle Obama aveva ottenuto la copertina dell’iconica rivista di moda tre volte durante i suoi otto anni alla Casa Bianca, secondo il Boston Herald.

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While being skipped didn’t escape Melania, she emphasized she wasn’t all that concerned about the snub. “I think American people and everyone sees it. It was their decision, and I have much more important things to do — and I did in the White House — than being on the cover of Vogue,” she told Hegseth during her first sit-down since leaving the White House.

Melania isn’t the only one with opinions, though. In December 2020, Donald expressed his feelings when he retweeted a story about it. A tweet from Breitbart read, “The elitist snobs in the fashion press have kept the most elegant First Lady in American history off the covers of their magazines for 4 consecutive years.” In his retweet, Donald included that Melania “is the greatest of all time,” according to the New York Post. Now, hosts of “The View” have differing theories of why Melania wasn’t featured, though.

Sunny Hostin believes having Melania Trump would be bad for business

Melania Trump con la caporedattrice di Vogue Anna Wintour nel 2005Paul Hawthorne/Getty Images

“The View” hosts had a lot to say on May 17 about Melania Trump’s Vogue comments. “Vogue is a business … They want to sell magazines,” co-host Sunny Hostin said. In her view, having Donald Trump’s wife on its cover would have put off its audience. “I don’t know if they would’ve sold as many magazines if they would’ve had First Lady Melania Trump on the magazine, the first lady to the very unpopular president,” she added. Co-host Joy Behar, however, didn’t miss the opportunity to take a jab at her by bringing up Melania’s controversial photoshoots. “We’ve seen a lot of photographs of her online, though.”

After Bess Truman, Melania is only the second first lady that was never featured in Vogue during her tenure since the magazine began including them in 1929, according to 9News. However, Vogue editors reportedly attempted to feature Melania, who refused when they wouldn’t guarantee her the cover, journalist Amy Odell wrote in “Anna: The Biography” (via Yahoo!) about editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, pictured here with Melania in 2005, the year she was on the cover in her wedding dress.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg believes that’s on Melania. “Here’s the thing you cannot do with magazines… you can’t tell them who goes on the cover,” she said. In 2019, Wintour suggested Vogue’s decision was deliberate. “I don’t think it’s a moment not to take a stand,” she told CNN (via The Washington Post).

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